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« CNE Eid – a Toronto Institution | Main | Ramadan Afterthoughts: Crisis in follower-ship as well as leader-ship »

October 14, 2008



I am one of the victim of this crisis but I am patiently working on it. My question is whether there is any islamic banking or social services that could actually help these kinds of people.We are so busy building mosques that we have forgotten the social islamic structure in our community.How many Islamic social services in Canada has actually granted loans to the debtor who needs to get out of paying interest or usury or help students pay their loans.There are so called "Islamic banking in Canada" which are just meant for the RICH MUSLIMS....talking about discrimination...huh....I have called my self to these banks crying out for help.I needed to get out this interest but they just dont give loans only if you need a morgage or a car loan moreover I was suggested to go to charitable organizations .I dont need charity,I need help!I am saying these things not to pinpoint one organization but perhaps built some solid infrastructure to help these people.Not everyone person will runaway with your money.There are people who need your help but will not come forward in fear of shame and disgrace.May Allah help us get out of the burden of debt.Ameen.In the end I know Allah is sufficient for me.

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