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« A Great Loss to the Muslim Art Community | Main | Toronto Hosts Canada's Largest Muslim Convention »

December 16, 2008


Imraan Assim

personal note - please don't post.

As Salamu Alaikum Br. Muneeb,

Masha Allah, I really enjoyed this first installment and am axnious to read the future installments.

I recall the unity and energy that Rhodes Ave had (especially during the Ramadan iftars). I can also recall the ground-breaking ceremony at the Foundation site. It was a rainy day that would have deterred many from coming, but the anxiousness and anticipation of what this day stood for was too important to allow a few rain drops to stop one from coming.

As a child I remember my uncle (Ahmad Baksh) standing with the microphone/bullhorn in his hand under an umbrella urging the people to come forward and give. People came forth with stacks of cash in their hands and simply gave without asking for receipts (knowing their reward would not come from Revenue Canada, but a Higher Being). It was a muddy, wet, and windy day...but these were only observations noted after the ceremony was over and we walked back to our cars.

(sorry for the length...its just that your article really took me back a number of years, and I truly appreciate it.)

Take care and Salams from my father (Rafeek).

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