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« A Conversation with Tariq Ramadan | Main | Responding To The Killing of Aasiya Hassan »

February 09, 2009


Mujeeb Abbas

With all due respect I don't agree with your article. Some women feel more comfortable in such a setting and therefore have no issues. Some muslims are more conservative than others, is there a problem with this?

It's not a matter of sisters being treated any less. Perhaps this particular venue was not well organized, video screens should have been put up if there weren't any there.

naeem siddiqi

Thank you. these points need to be raised repeatedly until the organisers start treating sisters wiht the respect they deserve.


Assalaamu Alaikum, Muneeb

You've hit the nail on the head. Two young sisters whom I took to the event were very much disappointed that they could not even see the speakers (and to make matters worse the program was unbearably long).

Seems like when we take two steps forward, we always take three back.

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